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My research

I gather data through underwater fish surveys, fisheries catches, fisher interviews, and household surveys. Using these diverse datasets, I employ various statistical tools and create computer simulations to reveal key interactions and patterns in marine social-ecological systems. My goal is to illuminate the trade-offs between human needs and coastal resources, guiding policymakers toward sustainable fisheries management that benefits both ecosystems and communities.


Working together

My research thrives on collaboration across disciplines and experiences. I unite diverse scientists, from early-career researchers to seasoned experts, with resource users and managers. This interdisciplinary approach fosters innovative solutions to complex fisheries challenges.

Working together

My research thrives on collaboration across disciplines and experiences. I unite diverse scientists, from early-career researchers to seasoned experts, with resource users and managers. This interdisciplinary approach fosters innovative solutions to complex fisheries challenges.

My research engages diverse stakeholders worldwide, generating crucial data for decision-makers. Through frequent fieldwork and close collaborations, I build lasting partnerships and effectively communicate research findings.

My students and postdoctoral scholars excel in various sectors, including government, non-profit, consulting, and academia. I am proud of my strong track record in producing international leaders in coastal fisheries science and management.

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The Process

We evaluate and improve (mostly tropical) marine fisheries management through research that combines scientific data analysis with real-world impact assessment.


The Process

We evaluate and improve (mostly tropical) marine fisheries management through research that combines scientific data analysis with real-world impact assessment.


Small-scale fisheries

Mud crabs

Through bioeconomic modeling of mud crab fattening in Micronesia, I aim to identify management strategies that balance ecological sustainability with fisher livelihoods, ensuring these culturally and economically important fisheries can continue to benefit coastal communities.

Distant water fleets

Social-ecological impacts

I am investigating how large-scale industrial vessels from wealthy nations (distant water fleets) impact marine ecosystems and local communities when they fish in developing countries' waters, focusing especially on their effects on domestic food security and nutrition.


Fisher livelihoods

My research in Vietnam's coastal communities examines how traditional small-scale lobster fishermen navigate mounting climate challenges, revealing which adaptation and livelihood diversification strategies successfully balance economic needs with cultural fishing heritage.

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